Unit 2: Understanding Dominant Views
About My Community
What are the impacts of dominant narratives of my community?

In this unit students explored the importance of health, dominant narratives of their communities, and ways to take individual action to counter the impact of negative narratives and forces causing health issues in their communities. Students first came to analyze data from health surveys such as the California Healthy Kids Survey and ArcGis and CoDap data maps ranging from data on pollution, asthma, and health insurance.
In the IDM 2 part 2 students explore how to counter negative dominant narratives of their communities. They look at additional data sets from ArcGis and CODAP to consider how various variables interact with one another, looking for causation, statistical significance, relationships, and then analyzed who the stakeholders, powerholders, and community knowledge holders regarding particular community issues. To end this unit, teachers focused on Yosso’s community cultural wealth and some teachers had students developed community cultural wealth collages to show that students’ were developing more complete and complex notions of the issues their communities are grappling, what they done to overcome challenges and found ways to preserve and pass on cultural knowledge and have adapted and created new cultural forms.
ArcGIS Example: Whiteman Airport/Pollution Burdens
CODAP Example: CalEnviroScreen Data for Santa Clara County
Student Work Example: Community Asthma Information
Student Work Example: Community and Cultural Wealth Collage